How can I get ER Franchise?
You can contact company’s admin or nearby franchise and then purchase ER Franchise key from any of them. You will have to fill up the ER Franchise form mentioned on ER app and website then upload.

How many Wallets does ER have?
Target Balance and You Earned are considered as ER wallet.

How is the user created in ER?
ER user can create through Upline ER Id. Purchasing a Franchise Key from company’s admin or franchise.

How can I check my performance?
You can see it from “Your Performance”, located on the sidebar option of ER app.

What is Target Balance?
Target Balance icon will display your balance. You will have to complete the Monthly Target of Top Up and Recharge decided by the company.

What does Approx Income display?
Approx Income will display current month’s earning income that you have received from your direct referred users turnover income, team turnover income - in addition to your own self turnover income.

What are the benefits of ER Franchise Holder?
Apart from ER user benefits offered by the company in terms of income facility such as ER to ER Transfer, Bank Transfer policy;ER Franchise Holder can get:
- Monthly benefits of increasing income while transferring money to ER user
- On the spot growth in income while purchasing key from the company

How can I join ER?
You can join ER by downloading the ER app from Play Store or through ER website. Another way to join ER is through a Referral link or Create User by any ER user.

When do I begin earning from ER?
You can earn from ER only after fulfilling company’s monthly mandatory condition of Topup and Rechage of mobile or DTH of the specific amount decided by the company.

Forgot my Password, what to do now?
Switch to Login screen and enter Forgot Password link. Write in your mobile and then press Submit. Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number and then proceed to create a new password.

On what type of services ER provides cashback?
ER provides cashback on recharge services of mobile, DTH or datacard.

How do I get cashback?
You can get the cashback from the company after fulfilling the monthly mandatory condition of ER. i.e. making Topup and Recharge of mobile or DTH of the specific amount decided by the company every month.

How reliable is ER in terms of my data privacy?
ER is one the most reliable online platform for the online services. All your personal data like credit or debit card details, date of birth, email id, password or more will remain safe at ER.

How many days will the company take after I have completed my KYC document?
The company shall revert back to you within 7 working days after your successful completed your KYC document.

What does Transaction History mean at ER?
Transaction History will showcase your last 20 transactions.

What is ER to ER transfer?
It is the facility only provided to the ER users. Any ER user can transfer balance to other ER user immediately from ER app.

What is You Earned?
The amount clubbed in Approx Income will be transferred to user’s You Earned wallet after the user has satisfied company’s monthly mandatory condition.