How to Earn?
Register & Login

How to enter in ER
- Downloading the ER app from Play Store
- Browse ER website
You can get yourself registered at ER through:
- Downloading the ER app from Play Store
- ER website
- Referral Link through ER User
OTP will be displayed on your registered mobile number after you fill up the Registration Form.
- It is necessary to fill up your KYC document displayed on ER app to attain further benefits of ER Income.
- These details include Photo ID, Address ID, Pancard details and others.
- The user can only earn if his KYC documents is verified by Company.


- ER services include online recharge and bill payment facility.
- ER offers online recharge for mobile, DTH and datacard.
- ER provides online bill payment services for landline, broadband, electricity, gas pipeline along with insurance premium.
- ER also features postpaid online bill payment for mobile and datacard.
Multiple Income
It is the Income company provides when the user does mobile and DTH recharge from his own profile at ER. The income can be received only after the user fulfills the monthly mandatory condition of topup and recharge for mobile or DTH of the specific amount decided by the company.
It is the income company provides to ER user on the turnover of his direct referred user’s mobile and DTH recharge. The income can be provided to the ER user only after he/she fulfills the monthly mandatory condition of topup and recharge for mobile or DTH of the specific amount decided by the company.

It is the income company provides to the ER user on the total turnover of team’s mobile and DTH Recharge. The team mentions-the referred users and refer to referred users. The ER user gets this income till 25th level but only after he/she satisfies the monthly mandatory condition of topup and recharge for mobile or DTH of the specific amount decided by the company.